Britney Spears Hinting 3rd Wedding

The twice-married pop star has revealed in a new interview that she may marry her boyfriend Jason Trawick.
When asked if she sees herself getting married again, Britney replied: ‘Never say never!’
Britney has been dating her former agent for the past two years and sources say a wedding could definitely be on the cards.
The pair recently took a trip to Las Vegas with Britney’s two boys Jayden and Preston – where they took in a musical and dined at Nove Italiano.
Sources confirmed that they are like a ‘solid family’ now.
When asked what she loved about Jason, who she described as her sons’ ‘hero’, she added: ‘He makes me laugh and we are so comfortable being ourselves.’
‘We like to stay home, order in, watch movies, go to dinner with friends and we love getting away for the weekend.’
Britney, was then asked about her and Jason’s parenting skills.
She said: ‘With some things I’m strict, with other things I’m easygoing. I guess I’m right in the middle.
‘Jason is just amazing with the boys. Thy look up to him so much – they adore him. He’s their hero.’